Can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal ?

The last four teeth at the top and bottom of our mouth are called wisdom teeth. Many people call these teeth gum teeth. Wisdom teeth appear at different times for each person but usually between the ages of 17 and 25.More or less all of us know that when wisdom teeth erupt there is severe pain in the gums inside the mouth. It is very uncomfortable to take food at this time. That is why many people remove these teeth. So they want to know about can i chew gum after wisdom teeth removal .

Can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal ?

If you want to know can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal then the direct answer is No . Although there is no prohibition against chewing gum after wisdom teeth removal you should not chew gum after wisdom teeth removal. Because after wisdom teeth or any surgery inside the mouth the tissues of the mouth become very sensitive.

It takes a long time for blood to clot in the area after wisdom teeth are removed. During this time, chewing gum disrupts blood clotting. Therefore chewing any gum and hard foods with the jaw should not be done within two weeks of wisdom teeth removal.

The problems that occur in chewing gum after wisdom teeth removal are:

  • After wisdom teeth are removed blood clots form in the socket which can be dislodged when chewing gum and cause pain.
  • Chewing gum after wisdom teeth removal increases the risk of infection in the wound area.
  • Chewing gum is usually sugary and sticky which makes the wound very vulnerable to external stimuli.
  • Chewing gum requires prolonged use of the jaw which puts pressure on the wound.

Therefore it is best not to chew gum until the jaw muscles have strengthened after wisdom teeth removal. You should refrain from chewing gum for at least 5-7 days after wisdom teeth removal. However you can chew gum even earlier if you want with the permission of a health professional.

When can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal ?

So far we have known about whether can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal . Now we will know about when can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal. After wisdom teeth removal, you should refrain from chewing gum until the gums are completely healed or the wound is completely healed. According to the instructions of the doctors you should not chew chewing gum and any kind of hard food for at least two weeks after wisdom teeth removal.

What should be done after wisdom teeth removal is mentioned below:

  • You should refrain from chewing gum very soon.
  • You should eat soft food.
  • You should refrain from eating excess sugary foods.
  • The wound should be examined or monitored regularly.
  • You should refrain from chewing hard food for at least a week.
  • You should eat as per the doctors advice.

If you follow these rules mentioned after wisdom teeth removal the wound will heal very quickly.

When can you chew gum after tooth  extraction ?

According to the doctors instructions you should wait a few days before chewing after wisdom teeth removal. The first 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal are very important. During this time, you should eat soft foods such as soup, jelly and sugar-free soft drinks. After 1 day you can eat soft foods such as bread and khichdi.

Also Read: Chewing gum

However you should refrain from chewing with the jaw on the side from which the wisdom teeth were removed. Usually the gums return to normal within 1 day, but it takes several days for them to become unprepared for chewing hard foods. Let’s find out what problems can occur if you eat chewing gum and hard foods after wisdom teeth removal.

The problems are:

  • Jaw pain
  • Oral infection
  • Bleeding
  • Jaw joint dislocation
  • Blood clots
  • Gum recession
  • Infection spread

So after wisdom teeth removal we all need to avoid chewing gum and hard foods. Until the gums are completely healed we should avoid chewing gum and hard foods and consult a doctor.

How to care for your mouth after wisdom teeth removal ?

After wisdom teeth removal proper care is essential to heal the area. If proper care is not taken after wisdom teeth removal infection can spread there. So proper care should be taken after wisdom teeth removal. Let’s find out what to do after tooth removal.

Below are some guidelines:

  • Check if the bleeding has stopped in the first 24 hours, if the bleeding does not stop, apply cold gauze or a cold T-bag to the wound for a while.
  • Apply an ice pack outside the mouth to reduce swelling of the gums, it is very effective in reducing swelling.
  • Eat soft foods, such as pudding, yogurt and soups, for 24-48 hours after tooth removal.
  • Drink enough water, but avoid drinking excessive soft drinks.
  • Always keep the inside of the mouth clean by brushing lightly, but avoid brushing near the wound.
  • Gargle with salt and warm water, but avoid gargling 24 hours before surgery.
  • You should completely abstain from smoking and consuming alcohol.
  • You should take painkillers as per the doctor’s advice.

If you take care of the surgical site according to the rules mentioned after removing wisdom teeth, it will heal very quickly.

About the best food to eat after wisdom teeth removal

After wisdom teeth removal, you should eat soft foods that are easy to chew for a few days. So that there is no pressure on the jaw and the wound area is not affected. We should eat foods that help the surgical site or wound heal quickly. Let’s find out which foods are necessary to eat after wisdom teeth removal.

The foods are mentioned below:

  • Smoothie-type foods, such as mango, banana and berry foods, but the seeds should be removed.
  • Mashed potatoes, such as: Heat the potatoes and after they become soft, grind them into a paste and consume them.
  • Soup-type foods, such as: tomato soup, chicken soup and pumpkin soup, but excess spices should be avoided.
  • Apple juice and sauce, apple juice and sauce play an effective role in healing the wound quickly.
  • Yogurt-type foods, consume enough yogurt for 24 hours after tooth removal, but avoid eating excessively cold yogurt.
  • Pudding-like foods, pudding is a very soft food that is very comfortable for our mouths.
  • Ice cream-like foods, cold soft foods are quite effective in reducing swelling of the wound site, but they must be consumed in moderation.

If these mentioned foods are consumed in moderation after wisdom teeth removal, the surgical site will heal in a timely manner.Can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal. However, before consuming any food after wisdom teeth removal, you must follow the doctor’s instructions, they will suggest food according to the condition of your surgical site.

5 Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal

In addition to taking proper care after wisdom teeth removal, there are several foods that should be avoided. Because these foods can seriously affect the surgical site or wound site. There are 5 foods that should not be consumed after tooth removal. Let’s find out which foods should be avoided after tooth removal.

The foods are mentioned below:

  • Hard foods, such as: biscuits, nuts and chips.
  • Spicy foods, such as: spicy curries, sauces and chutneys.
  • Extra hot drinks, such as: hot tea, extra hot soup, hot coffee and sizzling foods.
  • Sticky foods such as: chewing gum, caramel and melted cheese.
  • Citrus or acidic fruits and drinks, such as: orange juice, lemon juice, tomato and citrus juices.

Even if you have a strong desire to eat the mentioned foods after wisdom teeth removal, you should avoid them. These foods mentioned affect the wound site in various ways.Can you chew gum after wisdom teeth removal However, after a certain period of time, these foods should be consumed with the permission of the doctor.

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